James Robertson & Sons, the U.K. preserve manufacturers founded in 1864, used Golly as their trademark. In the 1920s they started to issue brooches (also called pins or badges) carrying the Golly image and continued to do so until 2002. This site, created in 1996, was inspired by my own Golly brooch collection.
S E A R C H S I T E Looking for something specific? Search the site using keywords.
N E W S Robertson 's said
F A Q Answers to the most frequently asked questions. How do you display your collection? How do I expand my collection? |
S I T E U P D A T E S Keep on top of the changes made to this site with this comprehensive audit. Last Update: 19th May 2012. |
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P H O T O S A stunning display of the 300 Robertson's brooches that I own. See HMS Crichton & Gold Viota. B R O O C H S E T S A list of the main brooches that have been issued. |
C U R I O S I T I E S The brooches inspired by Neil Robertson's hot air balloon activities along with a few surprises... |
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B A C K S T A M P S If you've never looked at the reverse of your brooches then there's a whole undiscovered world awaiting you. |
B O O K S & C L U B S Sources of information and second hand brooches. Now available: 3rd Edition of the Robertson's Digital Golly Guide & The 7th Edition printed Checklist. |
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A R T W O R K A visual feast of the artwork James Robertson & Sons have used to promote some of their brooches. |
H A V E Y O U R S A Y An opportunity to participate in the Golly Survey analysing the state of Golly collecting today. |
W H A T ' S O N A diary of Golly related events around the UK and overseas. |
Q U O T E S & A R T I C L E S A chance to read some of the articles and emails that have caught my eye and imagination over the years. |
E V E N M O R E Read about the history according to Robertson's; notes on the coatings and manufacturers; and the great debate about how politically correct is Golly? |
R E L A T E D S I T E S The number of Golly related sites is steadily expanding. By keeping a constant eye on the web, this section brings you links to the latest and most relevant sites. It also quickly removes links to those that fall by the wayside. |